How to save your car from the storm

Not everyone is lucky enough to be able to leave their car in the garage during a thunderstorm. Hail cover is the right solution for such people.

This is a sheet, usually waterproof and soft, that is used to prevent hail from breaking glass or leaving dents in the bodywork. However, let me be clear: The level of protection provided by hail covers ultimately depends on the type of cover and the size of the hail.…

How to Use Your Makeup Palettes to the Fullest

Many palettes often have the same colors that go well together. However, color correcting palettes are a different product altogether. 

The best kind of color correcting palette includes various shades of concealer meant to neutralize colors on opposite sides of the color green. You can neutralize red with green, use yellow for any discoloration, and peach to hide those ugly dark circles.…

Stay At Thermana Lasko For Unique Pampering Experiences

Hotel Thermana Park is found right next to Savinja river in the heart of Laško, the town located in the center of Slovenia’s spa region. You don’t really have to worry about the location of Thermana because it offers almost everything and anything you need on the site. There is free parking available if you will arrive by car. The train station is also a short distance away if you will arrive in Laško from Ljubljana by train.…

What Should You Know about EGR Valve?

EGR or exhaust gas recirculation valve is among the most vital components of the engine of your vehicle and you can buy it in the Silux car parts online store. This valve is a unique type of emissions-control device that can be found at the center of the intake manifold and exhaust manifold. 

It is usually closed when the engine is turned on. But, the moment the engine is under load and heats up, the valve is going to open up eventually. The process allows a specific amount of the burned exhaust gas to get into the intake manifold prior …

More space in the car and less problems

First of all, you need to think about what you want to put in the box.

Outdoor enthusiasts commonly use Withcar roof boxes to hold tents, sleeping bags, sleeping pads, backpacks, camp furniture, strollers, skis, ski poles and ski boots. But these systems are also great for other things, such as gardening tools, beach items and children’s toys.…

Safe driving, even in winter

Snow chains work in an extremely simple way: they increase the amount of grip the tires have on the road when it is icy or covered with snow. The increased traction between the car and the road makes driving in adverse winter conditions much safer, as it reduces the possibility of cars losing control and skidding on icy surfaces.…

How Promotional Gifts Increase Brand Awareness

If your promotional gifts are useful, the more times the individual who gets it will interact with your business. That is the reason why items like mugs and pens are among the favorite items of marketers who want to distribute promotional items. 

Such gifts are very useful and these are the items that most people use daily and once you give away such items, you’re also creating the chance for your brand to be seen on a regular occasion for a long period of time.…

Affordable Ideas for Promotional Gifts

Calendar Magnet 

More and more people today spend most of their time working in the kitchen. If your business offers your customers with promotional items in the form of calendar magnets that they could easily attach to their fridge, it will not only help them in keeping track of dates. This can also subtly remind them about the products or services that you offer. You can also circle the special dates on it that you want to commemorate.…

Tips to Buy the Best Christmas Tree for Your Home

Before you go to the tree farm, it is important to be sure that you know the size of the tree that best fits in your home. Measure your ceiling height and subtract the tree topper and stand’s height to get the maximum height for your tree. You also need to measure the space in the area where you are planning to place your tree to determine the width of the tree you will get.…

The Basics of Rubber Car Boot Liner Carpets

Boot liners can be made of fabric, plastic, or rubber.

The generic boot liners requiring you to cut to size are often made of the standard PVC material. The liners that are patterned on top for them to be non-slip are usually made of rubber. These two materials are both reasonably hard-wearing, easy to clean, and waterproof although these might not be suitable for dogs since they might not be that comfortable.…